Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Auf Wiedersehen

auf wiedersehen, meine biene-mädchen!  i think that when you have bees and care for them throughout the summer, it is very hard to say goodbye in the fall. we've been so involved in their lives and activities since the early spring, that it is hard to imagine being without them for five months or so.  alas, that is what beekeepers must face - straight out bee-withdrawal.  it is painful.  today, we checked Catherine's hive just a wee bit, to make sure that their honey frames in box 3 were right in the center.  it was sad and happy to see them one last time! we especially hope that this hive will survive our nasty maine winter. i will rejoice in april when i see that they have wintered through. auf wiedersehen, meine biene-mädchen!  stay clustered and warm!

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